Total weight gain/loss: Haven't been weighed since my last appointment. As of 12/31/13, I was up 4 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes - I love my new shirt showcasing Caleb
Stretch marks? Yes a little
Sleep: I've been sick this week, so I haven't slept very well. I have a cold and so that has been hard. I feel bad because I know I cough and sneeze a lot, and I am sure Caleb feels all of it. I sleep the best on my side.
Best moment this week: Playing a game with Caleb! It was 3:30 in the morning and I was trying to go back to sleep after visiting the restroom for the millionth time. Anyways...I was laying down, and then I felt him push me. So then, I pushed him (gently) back. And then he responded and pushed me back. It went like that for a while. It was soo fun! That made me laugh and just love this interaction with my baby boy! This is the first time I have had true Mommy-Caleb interaction! :) It was so fun!
Miss Anything? This week because I am sick, I miss taking Nyquil! That would normally help me sleep when I am sick. But no Nyquil for me and Caleb. But that's okay...if he is okay, then I will just deal with it.
Movement? Amazing how it's changed in 2 weeks time. I feel him move a little bit everyday!
Food Cravings? Not especially....
Anything making you queasy or sick? No. Just this cold!
Have you started to show? Oh yes...when I look at photos from a few weeks ago, I am like "wow, I am really getting bigger!"
Labor Signs? No and I am praying that I won't for a long time.
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings off or on? On still. But when I've been moving around doing stuff, the rings feel tighter
Happy or Moody most of the time? Happy mostly this week!
Wisdom: There is nothing like carrying a baby! I'm not saying it gives me purpose or that all woman should experience this. But, it's truly amazing when you are doing your own thing, and then suddenly you feel a big "pow" in your stomach. It takes me off guard sometimes, but I smile EVERYTIME. So if you are fortunate to experience this wonderful gift, enjoy every minute. I know I am thankful!
Looking forward to: I am looking forward to my next appointment to hear his heartbeat again. Plus, the week after, I have another ultrasound because Caleb didn't allow the technician to see his heart. I wasn't expecting to see him so often, but it will be fun to see him again. I also look forward to Todd being able to feel him. I hope that's soon. Poor guy...he really wants to feel Caleb! :)