So our life has changed in many ways since Caleb entered our world! Obviously! But our work schedules have changed, and well we are learning a "new normal" as my Mom calls it.
It is a new normal for sure. Monday through Wednesday, Todd has Caleb in the morning to feed, play with him, etc., while I go to work by 7 AM (YIKES - definitely new normal for me as I never used to go in that early). I work til 5 (10 hour day) and Todd drops Caleb off at our sitter around 1:30. I will then pick him up by 5:30 and I have him the remainder of the evening. We play, we eat, we take a bath, etc. Rough life being a baby, I tell you what! LOL! Caleb is usually in bed by 8-8:30 PM, so I then finish up some chores (if I am not too tired), and then take about an hour nap before Todd comes home at 10:30 PM. Usually I will take about a hour after Todd comes home to spend with him and talk about our days, etc. We only see each other for a maximum of 2 hours on those three days, so it is important that we make it a point to spend quality time.
Thursdays - Todd has the day off. He gets to spend the whole day with Caleb while I am at work. Then I come home and we can have dinner together as a family and spend quality time together. I love Thursday nights!
Fridays - My day off! I work 40 hours in 4 days so that I can have that day off! I am soo appreciative of my company for allowing me to do that! And I love my Fridays. It's Mommy and Son time for sure! We try to go to the park, or we go to the store and walk around. We play, we eat, we read, we sing, we dance. It's fun being with him on Fridays...and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Todd works a much longer day on Fridays but is home by 10:30. But we do see him in the morning til he leaves around 11 AM. So at least on Friday, I see my husband for a few more hours! :)
Saturdays - Todd works til 3:30, and I am with Mr. Caleb until then. Same scenario as Friday where we play and read, and nap, and eat, etc. :) Tough life! Then when Todd is home from work, we usually go the grocery store and get what we need for the week and spend quality family time together. I do look forward though to the time we have after Caleb goes to bed. It is necessary to make time for your husband and get creative about it too. But it's very special time.
Sundays - Together all day! We go to church usually, and then spend the whole day together. I love our Sundays! I also feel like we all sleep in a little bit (since we go to the later service at church). We get rejuvenated before another week.
So yeah - the schedule is kind of rough and not at all what we were used to. Not at all! But, we get creative and make the time together. It's important to cherish every hour, every minute you have with your loved ones. As you are not guaranteed the next day even. So we try to not take each other for granted.
I should also mention that every night, Todd and I started praying together as a couple before bed. Lots of couples do that, but in the 5.5 years of marriage we have had, we never did that. We each take turns to pray, and it really bonds us as a couple. I find that we get the armor we need to tackle the week, and each day. I wanted us to really find a way to still have a bond even on the days where we see each other so little, and I am so thankful for that time together. We come together and give our days and nights over to God. And when it can be so easy to take each other for granted, I think this forces us to really appreciate the other person and connect in a deeper way. I don't say any of this as boasting...I share this because I think it is important to be real. Our relationship has always been quite close, but spiritually, I didn't feel like we were connected. Sure we went to church and all, but I didn't feel like we bonded together spiritually. But now, I feel like this helps in so many ways. I even prayed to God that if we started praying together as a couple that all other areas of our marriage would be good too. Is our marriage perfect - OH heck no. But I feel like we are working pretty hard to make it and do keep connected. And with a schedule like ours - it is necessary! We need God for wisdom in EVERY area of our lives, and as parents now, we seek Him even more. I know I can't do this mommy thing very well without Him.
So pray for us if you would. We've been doing this new schedule thing for the past 5 weeks, and there are definitely challenges to it. But we need prayer support for our marriage, and our family. We changed this schedule so that Caleb would have less time with a sitter and more time with us. It was important to us that we raise him, and not someone else. We want to see all his firsts. We appreciate the 4 hours on Mondays through Wednesdays that our sitter has with him. But we also appreciate the time we have to be the parents of our boy!
Thank you for the prayers...I know that is what sustains us!
Much love to all! And I had to share a couple of pictures on here because...well...,Caleb is just too cute!
I love those eyes!
Daddy and son!
Playing with blocks!
Reading with Mommy!