Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Blessings of 2015

So this year has been rough, but I would rather focus on the blessings from 2015 and think on those things. I know in previous years, I always wished away the years. I always looked forward to the next year as an escape. But I have also learned that you can find blessings (even small ones) during hard times and hard years! After all, we are told in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." 

So, no I am not listing out resolutions. I would rather list out the beautiful blessings that did come with 2015 and hope for some more beautiful memories in 2016! So here I go:

January - 

  • We rang in 2015 as a family of three. It wasn't our normal plan and we weren't with our friends (as in previous years), but we were together as a family and still made it special. Caleb didn't sleep much before midnight, as I think he sensed some fun was going on! 
  • Caleb also learned to crawl and stand up on his own in January! Quite exciting! 

February -
  • Caleb's First Valentines Day, and fortunately, it was spent at home together as a family. Caleb only had to stay in the hospital from RSV for one day and came home the day before Valentines Day! So while it wasn't overly romantic, it was celebrated with the product of our beautiful love! 
March -
  • Caleb stood all on his own (without support)! YAY! Plus, we started practice walking with him as he holds our hands! 
  • I celebrated 10 years with CH2M! Quite an accomplishment!
  • Celebrated my Dad's birthday! 

April -
  • Caleb started walking six steps all on his own! And he just got better as the month went on! Go Caleb! 
  • It was warm enough to go outside and have Caleb experience his first swing ride! 

May - 
  • Mommy and Caleb had more park outings
  • Celebrated Mother's Day with the cutest little boy and my sweet husband! 
  • Caleb turned 1!! Can't even believe it! He had a wonderful day! 
  • My sister Jen and my brother-in-love, Wes surprised us by coming to Caleb's birthday! So we got to see her throughout Memorial Day weekend! 

June - 
  • We lost our old sitter because she decided not to watch Caleb anymore. And within a couple of days, we found our new and current sitter, Jane! She is incredible! So even though I was initially upset about the other sitter, we are SOOO much happier with Jane! 
  • More beautiful park outings! Caleb is all about nature! Sticks and walks! 
  • Caleb started holding our hands going down steps! 
  • Celebrated Father's Day! 
  • Went to the annual Independence Day picnic with our friends in Columbus area, and Caleb chased after a dog and enjoyed fireworks! 
  • Celebrate every day there is no infection in Todd's arm! 

July - 
  • Caleb's vocabulary continues to grow....
  • We put balloons in the air on July 2nd as a family in memory of Gabriel. We intend on doing this every year to honor the beautiful, yet short life of Gabriel Taber!
  • Enjoyed Independence Day with my family
  • As a family, we went to a petting zoo where Caleb had a ball seeing chickens, birds, sheep, a donkey, horses, cows, and a kitty! We had a lot of fun! 
  • As a family, we went to Newport Aquarium and had a ball! Caleb loved seeing all the fish, and the penguins of course! 
  • Celebrate every day there is no infection in Todd's arm! 

August - 
  • Todd's last scab came OFF!! YAY! This was huge! No sign of infection! Todd returned to work (for good) as well! 
  • Enjoying lots of walks and park time with Caleb! 
  • Caleb climbs and talks a ton! He just jabbers and climbs on EVERYTHING! 
  • Caleb and Mommy went to Caleb's first pro-life rally! 

September - 
  • Celebrated Mom's birthday! 
  • Celebrated My birthday! 
  • Todd surprised me by sending beautiful birthday flowers to my hotel when I was out in the field for my birthday! 
  • My favorite season begins - FALL!  

October - 
  • Enjoyed fall leaves together as a family at the park, etc. 
  • Went to pick out Caleb's first pumpkin
  • Caleb had a ball trick-or-treating with his grandparents! He was the cutest puppy dog! 

November - 
  • Celebrated our 7 Year Wedding Anniversary
  • Todd and I went out for a long weekend to Indy to celebrate our 7 Year and honestly, we were celebrating the end of infection/arm trials. We celebrated being able to get out as a couple and enjoy time with each other! 
  • Celebrated Todd's birthday! 
  • Took beautiful family photos! 
  • We survived a whole year since Todd's accident, and he still has no sign of infection and his arm is healed! Praise God! 

December - 
  • Enjoyed putting up our Christmas tree, and Caleb especially loved it!
  • Enjoyed time as a family at Clifton Mill and looking at all of the beautiful Christmas lights! It was a perfect night as a family, and Caleb couldn't get enough. He actually sat through 3 showings of the Trans Siberian Orchestra light show! He was soo excited about the lights! 
  • We celebrated an early Christmas with Todd's Mom
  • We celebrated Christmas as a family on Christmas morning, and then my parents came over for a nice Christmas day! 
  • Caleb continues to learn more and more! 
Year As A Whole - 
  • God provided for us financially to get through all of the hospital bills, etc. When you have 7 surgeries/hospital stays for Todd in 2015 alone, and a hospital stay for Caleb, you tend to rack up the hospital bills. Thankfully, our insurance is pretty decent, that instead of tens of thousands of dollars, we just had to spend a few thousand dollars. (JUST - I am kidding with the "just". That's a lot of money folks, but God provided)
  • He also helped us as a family. I was still learning as a new Mom and God gave me the strength (emotional and physical) to take care of Caleb and Todd for a good 6-7 months in 2015 alone (not counting 2014). 
  • God helped Todd through much of Todd's emotional stress. I don't care what you say, or if you are the strongest, most macho guy there is - 9 surgeries and frustration after frustration with the healing process, you would have emotional stress too! Plus, as a guy, it's hard. I am not a guy, but guys want to take care of their family. Not the other way around. And even though I am not a guy, I do get that. But God helped Todd through that, and I believe Todd knows without ANY doubt that I am always there for him. In sickness and in health! Always. 
  • Todd and I are healing in our own relationship struggles. We had some tough times earlier this year in our marriage, but God has been working on us. So I am thankful that we are doing even better. 
  • When very few people in the Christian community were there for us (seems blunt I guess, but it's true), God still was. And He provided when others didn't. But I did experience more compassion from people who don't claim to have much of a Christian faith, and that was even more eye opening. That doesn't change my opinion on who Jesus is at all. It just means that the Church needs to actually practice what Jesus taught (Not even saying all of the Church is like this, because I know there are really good, practice-what-you-preach, Christians out there). Plus, I fear this discounts the few, but amazing people who were there for us! Because I truly am grateful for them.  ~ But I digress. I just know that I learned who I want to be, and I am thankful that I have been able to help others out this year, if nothing else but to be a listening ear and to show them love and compassion. Honestly - that's all people want when they are going through a hard time. They don't need to be preached at. 
  • My prayer life has been pretty strong. I don't spend hours on my knees, but I do spend time there on my knees (more than ever before). I pray in the car, I pray when I am on a walk, when I am up with my son in the hospital because he is struggling to breathe, when my husband can't sleep because of pain, after an argument with whomever, morning, noon, and night. I pray! And it's not all rosy prayers either. Let me be honest - this year, I prayed a lot of prayers where I cussed! Most people know I don't cuss as a general rule. I don't think it is very Christ-like and I don't want to be a person that uses inappropriate language. BUT - I did. I was even more real than ever before with God. But I learned back in 2012 when we were going through our loss of Gabriel, that God could handle it. So I wasn't afraid of ruining my relationship with God. I knew He already knew my hurt feelings. I was letting it out. And I knew He would love me anyway. God just wants us to be real. Just like any relationship you have, you need to be real! 
  • And on the subject of prayer - our son is starting to learn how to pray as well. I want Caleb to learn as early as possible that praying is just talking to Jesus (your best friend in the whole world), and that He will always be there. Always. It's not fictitious. It's not a fairy tale. I know because I have been in the middle of praying (talking with Jesus), and then someone will text me and God had told them to reach out to me and they knew things I didn't tell them. So you can't convince me that prayer isn't important or that it's useless. I hope to teach Caleb as early as possible that he always, always, always has God! 
I pray that 2016 is better than we could have imagined, and I am hopeful for some new and special memories. I am hoping that Caleb will get to experience the ocean and visit his Aunt Jen and Uncle Wes in April/May. I am hopeful that Todd and I will get to have a nice anniversary vacation that even requires an airplane trip (last time we did that together was in 2010)! I am hoping for so many other things as well. But even if those things don't happen, we are a family! And that's one of the biggest blessings of all time! I love my family more than words could ever say!  

May you all have a wonderful 2016! I pray it is full of blessings (little and big ones)! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Caleb is 19 months old!!

Wow...can he really be 19 months?! Another photo comparison above - one year apart at Christmastime! He could fit so perfectly in one arm. But a year later, he is just so big (or as Caleb says "soooooooooo biiig") :)

His vocabulary is just growing soooooooo much just this past month! So as with other posts, here are some new words or modifications on words that he is saying now:
  • culcul - circle
  • keckle - freckle (whe he points to all of Mommy's freckles)
  • Bi - for Bike
  • Sta - for star
  • He knows more animal sounds and makes a rooster sound, a dog sound, cow sound (sometimes), duck sounds, bear or lion sound (grrrr), chicken sound, horse sound, bird sound, and sheep sound. 
  • He really tries to sing the ABC song. I can tell because he will say S T oooh (for U), C, D...he loves to sing it. He is doing better and better with the alphabet
  • beekee (for binky "pacifier"). He has been using that more for his teething. But we are trying to not give it to him too often because we don't want him addicted to it. 
  • Hot - for hot. Whenever he hears the microwave or when he sees us taking something out of the oven, or even when he sees Mommy's curling iron, he says "hot." And he has learned to not touch. 
  • I woo for "I love you." :) This one melts the heart for sure! 
  • Tee - eee for TV
  • Veee - oh - for Video
  • Wai for light
  • Apple saw - for apple sauce
  • Yes for yes. 
  • He has started saying no too. ;) 
  • And while this isn't an improvement per se on truck, he says "guck" but then he growls! Who taught him that?! Ha! He sounds like Tim the Tool Man Taylor from Home Improvement! :) 
And I am probably forgetting a couple more words...hard to keep up on all the words. But more and more we understand what he wants. 

He has become quite the little helper in the past 2 months. I meant to mention that last month, but he will close doors (whether it is the refrigerator or our front door, etc) if we ask him to close a door. If we say it is time to clean up the toys, he helps put his blocks away and put all the puzzle pieces back in the puzzle. He loves to help push a stroller or cart in the grocery store, and he loves to help put away his Jumparoo (after he is done playing in it). When we ask him to give us something, he is usually pretty good about getting it and bringing it to us. 

We are teaching him that throwing things when he is mad is not right. If he throws something because he is mad, we will sit with him and ask him to pick it up (no matter how long it takes). He is stubborn and won't do it immediately, but eventually he learns and picks it up. We are trying to instill in him that you don't throw things to get what you want. He is gradually learning. 

He has been sleeping pretty well, with the exception of some nights of bad teething. He has only 4 more teeth to get! We have all the canines now. So we are just waiting on the 2 year molars (which he is already going through pain on as his fingers are more frequently in the back of his mouth). 

The past month has been pretty nice! We enjoyed Thanksgiving with my parents. We saw Christmas lights at Clifton Mill. And we visited Grandma G (Todd's Mom)! 

Christmas lights at Clifton Mill

Christmas lights at Clifton Mill

Visiting with Grandma G

Grandma G gave Caleb his first candycane

This was a favorite gift that Grandma G got him. Elmo puppet book! 

We have also been getting over sick. Okay - mostly me. I had a very nasty sinus infection that Caleb seemed to avoid getting. I am hoping and praying that for at least the next couple of weeks, we can all be healthy and no one gets sick! 

Oh and in pretty big news - Todd is no longer on any antibiotics! YAY! So in the next month, we will monitor him to ensure no signs of infection. If no signs of infection show up in a month, we should be good! :) Which will then mean that Todd can resume helping me with diapers and even watching him on Thursdays! So please keep in prayer about that for us! 

We look forward to the next couple of weeks as a family and also with family and friends for Christmas and New Years! I pray you all have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! Remember the reason we celebrate - Jesus! He is the hope for us all! Much love! 

And I leave you with a picture of our 19 month old! He's just so cute!