Saturday, April 23, 2016

Enjoying Springtime and Caleb is 23 Months

Our big boy is 23 months and we have a month to go til we have a 2 year old! What?! When did that happen?! I swear this past year has truly flown by at lightning speed! It's amazing when I think of this little boy who used to be a tiny little guy who could fit in my arms perfectly. Now, he hangs out of my arms or wants to be Mr. Independent and walk or run on his own!

He is learning so much and surprising us everyday by the things he says and does.

Just in the past month, he has learned how to count to 10 very well, and can point to those numbers and know what they are. He has on occasion counted to 15 (though the teens sound very similar). He knows how to read most of the letters on a book, and can do the alphabet (the LMNOP gets a little mixed up, but he tries really hard).

He also attempts to "read" certain books he knows. He has a Bath Time book and goes through each page and talks about what it says. It's like he is memorizing what each page says, but you can see he is trying to learn the words as we go through it. In his Elmo "So Big" book, he knows the words "Ma-Ma-Ma," "Da-Da-Dah" "Ha-Ha-Ha" and "La-La-La" when I point to them! And in his airplane book, even though he can't read the words, he tells the story of what is on each page and what it is saying. He really loves books! He is definitely a bookworm!

There are more words to his vocabulary, but I couldn't possibly remember them all. Some of the ones right off the top of my head:

  • "Be Cozee with Mommy" - He loves to be snuggly with Mommy and he will say he wants to be cozy with Mommy. Probably because he has heard me say "Do you want to be cozy here with mommy" when he wants to snuggle! 
  • "Birday cake" - birthday cake (he said this when we celebrated his G-Pa's birthday, and now everytime he sees a cake)
  • "we-seet" - for receipt. I know this is an odd one to know. But when we go to the grocery store, he wants to hold the receipt and we taught him the word and now when he sees one, he says the word and is entertained by it. 
  • "Daddee at wook"- Daddy at work 
  • "Goo-nigh Bye Bye" - when he says goodnight to Daddy at nighttime before I put him to bed. 
  • He says "bus" every time he sees one when we drive somewhere or if he sees it on a book
  • He used to say "Ah-si" for outside. Now he says "ow-side"
  • "Popper" for his toy corn popper
  • He knows Big Bird now pretty well and will say his name when he sees him. 
  • He tell us "tall" for when he wants Todd or me to put him up on our shoulders! He loves to be tall! 
  • "Let's go!" - When we go anywhere
  • "Go to Pahk" for Go to park
  • "Go for walk" - When he wants to walk anywhere whether we go outside or even just a little walk inside the house and he wants to go to another room. 
  • He now tells us "dat way" and "in dare" (in there) and "ike dis" (like this) for how he wants us to do something or go somewhere
  • "Wainin" for raining
There's so much more, but I can't remember it all. But these are some of the more memorable ones. 

We are enjoying the spring temperatures we are having now as well. Caleb is an outside boy and he loves to go for walks and go to the park! His favorite thing ever at the park is the swings! He still isn't a big fan of the slides. Not yet anyway. He loves to explore everything and anything. Even things you think aren't very interesting. And if there are steps somewhere....he wants to go up and down and up and down those steps. 

He has a big personality, full of laughter, fun, and sometimes drama. Yes our kid can be quite dramatic. He will throw himself on the floor if he is mad or frustrated. He also likes to make up laughs. He has his normal laugh, and then he has laughs that he plays with and practices. It's quite funny. 

And this month, we got his new big boy seat, He really loves it! He also really loves being able to see forward. He gets excited when we get in the front seat and he says "I see you!" It's too cute! I taught him what a green light and a red light are for as well. He knows that red light means stop, and when it is green, it means go! In fact, Todd was telling me when he picked up from the sitter the last time, that they were at a light, and it was green. He yelled "Geen" to go! haha! Too funny! What's nice is that he has this seat for his long road trip coming up. 

Speaking of such things - We are looking forward to some wonderful memories coming up - our first family vacation as the three of us! We are visiting my sister, Jen and brother, Wes in Virginia Beach! Some major firsts for Caleb - his first long road trip (11 hour trip) and his first time visiting the ocean! It isn't his first hotel stay as we did that on New Years Eve, but this will be a longer time! We are soo looking forward to it!! 

Stay tuned for more fun updates...and next month, our boy is 2!!! I leave you with this sweet face!