Friday, August 12, 2016

Summertime 2016 with the Taber Family

Well it has been quite a while since I last posted something about us or Caleb.

This summer has been flying by fast. And Caleb is growing into a spunky, smart, little boy! He is very stubborn (like us), and is incredibly challenging at times (after all he is two) but always lovable!
We have had some fun with friends and family this summer (Independence Day in particular), and we have had some family fun going to parks, downtown Dayton (Caleb calls it the "Cittee!!"), and we attempted the Columbus zoo. The zoo didn't go quite so well because it was soo stinkin' hot, and Caleb isn't used to being around all those people and all that space to run around in. No such as seeing things in an orderly fashion with him! ;) We also enjoy his pool and sand table and many walks!

Caleb talks a ton now, and he says so many things now that I can't even possibly put them all down on here. But Facebook had a cute little quiz to ask your toddler, so here is just a bit of what he says and thinks right now:

What is your name? Cayeb! (This is how he says his name)
How old are you? Two! 
When is your birthday? my birday (hahaha...already being smart with me )
How old is mommy? Two!
What is your favorite color? red
What is your favorite food? cookies
Who is your best friend? no answer on this (doesn't understand the word friend yet)
What is your favorite TV show? Jordge munkee (Curious George)
What is your favorite movie? Bawoons (not sure he understands this question)
What is your favorite song? Jesus yuz you (and then he breaks out in song singing it) 
What is your favorite animal? Keekat (kitty cat)
What makes you happy? Water flowers (not sure he really was answering the question here, because he remembered we hadn't done that yet). 

Caleb is incredibly helpful and loves to help with laundry (putting clothes in washer and dryer), and loves to pretend he is vacuuming with his own little toy vacuum. He also loves to water the plants and flowers and will definitely remind me! When Todd takes out the trash, he wants to "help" carry the bag with him!

He is so sweet and compassionate because when I stub my toe or get a "boo-boo," or when he saw his Daddy's scar from all of his surgeries, he says he will kiss it! It's too much sometimes to take, he is so darn sweet! Or when someone coughs, he always has this look of concern and says "okay?"

We are singing now...he can sing his ABC's and "Jesus Yuz You!" It's the best thing ever other than hearing him tell me "I yuz you!" :) He loves to dance and jump in his bed. We let him jump in his bed with supervision only, and then when he does it, he hands us his Dory fish and wants Dory to jump with him. Because after all, you can't jump alone! ;)

He loves to make us laugh. He will make silly faces and noises just to get us to laugh! And if he gets us to laugh by doing something, he will keep doing it and doing it!

He loves to be cuddly still, which I am happy he hasn't grown out of yet. He loves to just sit and watch Curious George and hold my hand or Todd's. It's so sweet.

And he still loves Ms. Jane, his sitter! Because he gets to see Ms. Jane, his pal (Jane's son), and the babies! According to Jane, he loves to help with the babies and plays and talks with anyone he sees! I believe that, because we have been on a playground and Caleb will talk to anyone and is so friendly! I love seeing him so social!

He knows his ABCs and can count pretty well to 15. He tries to go past 15, but all the numbers sound the same. He knows lots of shapes and colors, and he remembers things you tell him just once. I think he has excellent vision as he will see a letter or number while we are driving or walking, and I will be like "what?" And then I notice he sees a letter or number from far away that I didn't even notice. I hope his vision stays that way. I half expect him to need glasses at some point because Todd has them. But we'll see.

We got our first big boy potty! I have no expectations of him being potty-trained soon. In fact, today, I showed him the potty and tried to talk to him about it and read "P is Potty" book to him. And then later, I said, do you want to use the potty. He said yes, and so I showed him what to do and sat him down. He didn't want to do that. He likes to put the lid down and up, but sits on it for like two seconds. But at least we are talking about it. Maybe in a few months he will be interested. At least the conversation has been started....

Caleb also got his first professional hair cut this summer! He picked a cool spiderman car to sit in and while he wasn't happy for party of the hair cut (because he was a little scared),  he loved the fact that he could honk the horn on the car, and he got a blue lollipop! Haha!

Before and after his haircut

As for Todd and I, we are just working and trying to keep up with our boy! We have had some dates (whether during the day or the evening), and that's been nice! We were excited about Todd's work schedule changing to days, only to be let down recently that it won't be happening any time soon. I keep hoping and praying it will happen though as it would be nice to have Todd around during the evenings! But, even if that doesn't happen soon, we will make things work like we have!

I hope to share more once the fall comes! Until then...enjoy the rest of your summer! And if you need prayer about anything, let me know. I truly do want to and love to pray for people!

Many blessings to you all!