Tuesday, May 23, 2017

To my Caleb on His Third Birthday

To my dearest Caleb,

You are three! And I don't know how we got to this year so fast! I remember your birth like it was literally yesterday, and yet the past 3 years have flown. You don't remember this moment, but I do! It will always be in my heart and mind:

You are a very curious, funny, sweet, little boy! I don't know anyone like you anywhere! You love cities, tall buildings, towers, trucks, cars, parks, swings, slides, candy, long walks and hikes, nature, and so much more! This past year was so fun as we watched you really turn a corner from baby talk to full on sentences and conversations. It's very rare that we don't know what you are saying. You still struggle with your "L's," but that's pretty  normal. So instead of saying Love, you say "Wuv." It's so darling - I love it! You are amazed by anything that is tall, When we visited downtown Dayton's Riverscape last summer quite frequently, you fell in love with cities! Your face brightens up and you just love everything about it. The tall buildings, the bridges, the water, the towers, etc. And we thought that would be a phase, but you haven't gotten over it. You still want to see the city every day, even though we don't. But at least once a week, when I pick you up from Jane's, we go and drive into the city so you can see all the things you love. You especially love the Carillon Bell Tower and driving past the Dayton Flyers Arena. You now yell "Go Flyers" when we drive by! That's my boy! 😉

You are so smart and learning every single day. You even know really, really basic math! When you see things on our walks, like flags or signs, we can be talking about how there is another flag or sign, and if we ask how many that is now, you can tell us. And while you can't read yet, you love to tell us what is going on with each page of the book. You tell us the story that you know of, and it's pretty cool to watch you do that! You know how to spell your name. You know your whole name, including your middle name and last name. You have learned concepts of time pretty well this year because of Mommy's  new job requiring me to travel. So we have started talking more and more about days of the week, and how many days left til I come home, etc. You listen to us most of the time pretty well, with occasional bargaining (when you tell me "two minutes"). You still have moments where you throw tantrums and act out, but you have gotten better even with that. You know that time-outs are no fun, and while you still have them, even the time-outs are less painful because you want it to end as soon as possible.

You are such a sweetheart, and such a compassionate little guy. If someone says "Ow!," you usually ask if they are okay. You love to kiss boo-boos. You love to give big hugs if someone is crying or upset. You are also very stubborn and still demand that you do things for yourself. Very rarely do you want our help because you are a big boy. And when you accomplish something, you are soo proud and so smiley! And then you have to do it over and over again! You have a smile and a laugh that just radiates out to everyone around you! It's so infectious! I can't help but smile when I am around you!

You love to sing and dance, and you are soo expressive! It's so fun watching you learn and enjoy life! You are highly opinionated about so many things, and if you don't agree with something, you will tell us. You are growing up so fast with all the things you now do. I remember when the only word you really said was "uh-oh!" And now, we can carry on conversations with you as you tell us about a movie story line, or you tell us about your day, what you want to eat in great detail, or how you want to go see the city and tell us all about it. And during your birthday, you had your first friend come celebrate with you! We truly enjoyed meeting Jonah and his Daddy and Mommy. It was so fun watching you interact and have fun with Jonah. Since Mommy goes to work, I don't get to see you interact with other kids very often, so when I do, it's just amazing to watch you be this little independent person doing fun things with your friend. As you grow up, I am sure you will have many more days where you have friends come over and you go over to their house. Friendships are so important in life!

And another big milestone - on your last night as a 2 year old, we converted your bed to a "big-boy" bed with no railings. And you did really well! You slept through the night pretty well, and this morning around 6:45 AM, I heard the door open, and you peaked your head out. You saw me and it was time to be up! I think it must have felt so cool that you were able to decide when to get up! Such a fun milestone!

You are so incredibly special to us and we couldn't be prouder! I don't know that you could ever know how much joy you bring to our lives. In this next year of your life, just know that your Mommy and Daddy are your biggest advocates and will always cheer you on as you learn, grow, and make friends! We are so proud of you and love you more than our very own lives!

Happy Birthday, my sweet one! Love you whole bunches!

Love, Mommy