My little boy is 2 months old now! The time with him has felt fast and slow all at the same time. And I remember everyone saying that he would change soo much in these few weeks, and you were right! He has changed sooo much. Just look at this difference - 1 week vs. 2 months.
1 week old vs. 2 months
He has changed from that tiny little infant baby boy that I thought I would break, to this smiling, amazing little baby boy who has definitely gained some weight. I will find out this Friday how much he weighs, and I am guessing he is at 9 lbs by now (or at least close to 9 lbs).
In this second month, I have seen so many changes in my little boy. He smiles a lot now! And there is nothing that makes a mother and father more excited than seeing their baby smile. He even laughs a little. He lifts his head amazingly well and is soo strong. His feet are insanely strong. I am just so proud of my boy. He is incredible and growing soo much. It also makes this momma proud because it just goes to show you that you don't need to be a breastfed baby to grow well and be strong. This isn't a slam against people who breastfeed by any means. But being a mother that had to give up on that idea 5 days into his life because I was physically unable to do it - well, now I feel much better. He is doing amazingly well. Thank you, God!
My smiling boy!
Lifting his head with his arms!
And he's so smart. He talks and coos so much now. He loves to talk (even if we don't know what he is saying). I know I heard him say "Hi" multiple times now...I wonder if he was mimicking us. He said that early on too! Smart cookie! He also stands - yes he stands with us holding him up by his arms, but he puts weight on those legs of his. In fact, we visited the park last week, and I had him sitting on my leg with his feet on the blanket, and he stood up himself. Seriously! Now he needed my support, but he is the one that initiated it and stood up! He really puts weight on those feet of his to stand! I was impressed!
So BIG! He's standing!
Video of him talking at the park:
And in good news - he has been sleeping for the past 2.5 weeks in his crib! YAY! YAY! He sleeps through the night and only wakes up 2 times for feedings (every 3-4 hours). Sooo excited about that too! I was concerned with starting work that it would be a problem, but so far, so good! Now yes - he is sleeping on his belly. I know what many have said and that is a "no-no," and maybe I am a "bad" mother for it. Or maybe I have seen what my baby boy can handle and I have seen that he really isn't sleeping when he is on his back. He sleeps so soundly on his belly and he can also lift his head quite well. He also has turned over on his back a couple of times before when he was on his belly. Believe me - I am a worry wort about a lot of things. But I am trusting my "mommy instincts" on this and also trusting in God on this. I have asked God for a lot of advice and wisdom in how to handle this, and I believe this is good for Caleb.
Sleeping in his crib!
Speaking of work - I am back! It's a new schedule and it will be its own challenges. Namely leaving my baby boy with a sitter three days a week for 4-5 hours each day. Plus, Todd has been handling Caleb in the early morning hours so I could sleep, and I know that Caleb is confused by this change. All this time I have been the one with him while Todd is at work. And now all of that is different. It's hard. We created this beautiful haven at home for the past 2 months, and I am just so sad to be leaving him. I know that our sitter is wonderful and she is soo kind and loving to kids, but it's not us. Don't get me wrong - I am happy to be around adults again. I really am. I am happy to be doing my work again. But, I miss him during the day. Fortunately, I have surrounded my desk with photos of him to help me through! I also know and can be proud that I am working hard to provide for this beautiful family we have. But we need the prayers! This new stage/transition is so much harder than I expected it to be. So please pray that Todd and I have wisdom in how we handle this and only show Caleb love and support to help him through it too! Poor guy doesn't understand what is going on and it just breaks my heart. But, I know he will eventually get through it just fine. We just need prayers!
So in love!
So all in all - I love this little guy more than any words can say. He has challenged me soo much, but the smiles, the way he holds onto my shirt to ensure I am there when he sleeps is incredible, and I just love looking at him. I don't think I am all that great at being mom, but he's obviously doing okay. I totally believe God is the One that has helped me through it all. I am amazed at how this little guy wasn't here, and then he was. He really is a gift from God to us. I just stare at him sometimes in just complete awe. And I love that he knows me...I love that he seems to see me and feel better (unless he just wants food (LOL!)). I love him more than life itself. He has brought so much life to our lives - sleepy life, but a beautiful life! I am sooo thankful to God for him! So thankful and humble to be his mama!